Kimetsu Gakuen Monogatari: Kimetsu no Utage Tokubetsu-hen
Type: OVA
Plot Summary: These specials were originally shown at the Kimetsu no Utage live event which was held on October 20th 2019 in Tokyo. The cast members present at the event did a live dubbing of the characters.
Genre: Comedy , Historical , School , Shounen
Released: 2020
Status: Completed
Other name: Kimetsu Gakuen Monogatari: Demon's Banquet Special Arc; キメツ学園物語 鬼滅の宴 特別編; Chuukou Ikkan!! Kimetsu Gakuen Monogatari: Kimetsu no Utage Tokubetsu-hen; Kimetsu Academy: Special Edition